How and when did money amulets appear?
How strong are they?
Additional Information.An equally powerful source of energy are the Runes of Destruction.
How do amulets and amulets promote financial health?

- Place it under your pillow for a few nights;
- Hold it between your palms and "warm" it with your breath;
- Write or embroider your initials on the inside of the amulet.
Which money amulets and types to choose

- Banknotes must be of the same denomination;
- The number of banknotes must be a multiple of "10";
- Do not store more than 40 banknotes in the money magnet, as exceeding the allowed number will cause the amulet to "demagnetize".
for reference!In the event that multiple rules cannot be met, the money stored in the amulet is exchanged for banknotes of different denominations.
Why are homemade amulets better than purchased ones?
Additional Information.If the first two cleaning methods are unacceptable, you can place the purchased amulet on a windowsill exposed to sunlight and moonlight for a day.
How to make a profitable amulet at home
- Brought from abroad. The ideal choice is a coin that the future owner of the amulet personally brought from a long journey.
- Antique or old. In any case, the amulet coin must belong to a replica that is no longer in use.
- Found on the street during a night walk under the "growing" moon. This option is considered one of the most efficient because money rarely stays on the road for long.
- Plain metal dollar. Upon completion of the ritual, a dollar becomes an irredeemable U. S. dollar.
attention!It is recommended to recite the magic spell after reading the prayer "Our Father" or "May God rise again".
How to make an amulet out of money

Amulet made of nuts and coins
important!The amulet is kept in the house, where the money is kept.
Amulet made of coins and green thread
Fiat USD
Occultist Tips and Advice

attention!It is recommended to use the contents of the amulet for the purchase of household appliances.